On Windows, my favorite image editor is Paint.NET. However, on Linux, GIMP is as unfriendly as photoshop despite having less features. (i.e. It takes ages to load, their's far too much stuff).

Most of my image editing is simple things where Photoshop or GIMP would be overkill. Paint.NET does not run on Wine or Mono.

So is there any similar fast and simple but powerful image editor available for Linux?

EDIT: There is a Mono version available, but I don't want to have to deal with installing svn versions of mono, and compiling the version myself.

Solution 1:

Pinta looks pretty good.

Pinta is a drawing/editing program modeled after Paint.NET. It's goal is to provide a simplified alternative to GIMP for casual users. It is currently early in development.

alt text

Solution 2:

KDE comes with KolourPaint, which is essentially exactly like Paint for windows. If you want a little more power, KOffice includes Krita, which I've really liked. I'm sure there are also some GTK-based apps if that's your preference but I've definitely found both KolorPaint and Krita useful, so you really should check them out.

Solution 3:

Looks like paint.net can run on Mono the .NET implemetation for linux. The linux version is called paint-mono. Not sure you can find readily available binaries for that, but maybe you don't mind compiling it from the source code ;)

Solution 4:

You may also want to check out inkscape. It is a multi-platform vector image editor. Vector editing is a little different than pixel-based editing, but I find that it to be preferable -- you can move items around, change colours, fill styles, etc, and, when your done, export it to an image.

See also the Bitmap Editor? thread on the ubuntu forums.