IrfanView does not ask before deleting

I want to set IrfanView at my Windows 10 to ask me always before deleting a file (moving it to the trash).

There is an option in Settings -> File Handling -> Delete: Ask me before deleting files (if activated in Recycle bin settings) - I have marked this option and also Delete to Recycle Bin. See image below.

But any confirmation message does not show if I press the Delete button and the image is instantly moved to the trash.

I tried IrfanView version 4.52 x86, 4.52 x64 and 4.51 x86 and it is always the same.

How can I fix it?

Image: IrfanView - settings

Any confirmation message does not show if I press Delete

Have you checked your Recycle Bin settings? "Display delete confirmation dialog" must be checked there for this to work:

  1. Use Windows+D shortcut to view the desktop.

  2. Right-click the Recycle Bin icon, and select the Properties option.

  3. Check the Display delete confirmation dialog option.

enter image description here

Source How to change Recycle Bin storage settings on Windows 10 | Windows Central