Get currency symbol in PHP

Let's start with simple piece of code to format money with NumberFormatter:

$formatter = new NumberFormatter('en_US', NumberFormatter::CURRENCY);
echo $formatter->formatCurrency(123456789, 'JPY');

This prints: ¥123,456,789.

This is ok if you want to format money.

But what I want to do is to get currency symbol (e.g. ¥) for given currency ISO 4217 code (e.g. JPY).

My first guess was to try using:


But that gives currency symbol for locale given in constructor (en_US), $ in my case.

Is there a way to get currency symbol by currency ISO 4217 code in PHP?

First of all, there is no international global currency symbol table, that anyone on the planet could read and understand.

In each region/country the currency symbols will differ, that`s why you must determine them based on who is reading, using the browser / user locale.

The correct way is as you guessed, using NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_SYMBOL, but you first have to set the appropriate locale like en-US@currency=JPY:

$locale='en-US'; //browser or user locale
$fmt = new NumberFormatter( $locale."@currency=$currency", NumberFormatter::CURRENCY );
$symbol = $fmt->getSymbol(NumberFormatter::CURRENCY_SYMBOL);
header("Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8;");
echo $symbol;

This way the symbol will be understandable by the user.

For example, $symbol will be:

  • Canadian dollar (CAD) : CA$ in USA, CAD in Romania , $CA in Iran
  • Iran Rial (IRR): IRR in USA, while in Iran will be

I achieved this using




Symfony 4.3 >

It's worth pointing out for SF4.3 and above this has been deprecated:

 * Returns the bundle containing currency information.
 * @return CurrencyBundleInterface The currency resource bundle
 * @deprecated since Symfony 4.3, to be removed in 5.0. Use {@see Currencies} instead.
public static function getCurrencyBundle(): CurrencyBundleInterface

So, instead you can do:

use Symfony\Component\Intl\Currencies;
echo Currencies::getSymbol('AUD');