Convert between NHWC and NCHW in TensorFlow

All you need to do is a permutation of the dimensions from NHWC to NCHW (or the contrary).

The meaning of each letter might help understand:

  • N: number of images in the batch
  • H: height of the image
  • W: width of the image
  • C: number of channels of the image (ex: 3 for RGB, 1 for grayscale...)


The image shape is (N, H, W, C) and we want the output to have shape (N, C, H, W). Therefore we need to apply tf.transpose with a well chosen permutation perm.

The returned tensor's dimension i will correspond to the input dimension perm[i]

perm[0] = 0  # output dimension 0 will be 'N', which was dimension 0 in the input
perm[1] = 3  # output dimension 1 will be 'C', which was dimension 3 in the input
perm[2] = 1  # output dimension 2 will be 'H', which was dimension 1 in the input
perm[3] = 2  # output dimension 3 will be 'W', which was dimension 2 in the input

In practice:

images_nhwc = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 200, 300, 3])  # input batch
out = tf.transpose(images_nhwc, [0, 3, 1, 2])
print(out.get_shape())  # the shape of out is [None, 3, 200, 300]


The image shape is (N, C, H, W) and we want the output to have shape (N, H, W, C). Therefore we need to apply tf.transpose with a well chosen permutation perm.

The returned tensor's dimension i will correspond to the input dimension perm[i]

perm[0] = 0  # output dimension 0 will be 'N', which was dimension 0 in the input
perm[1] = 2  # output dimension 1 will be 'H', which was dimension 2 in the input
perm[2] = 3  # output dimension 2 will be 'W', which was dimension 3 in the input
perm[3] = 1  # output dimension 3 will be 'C', which was dimension 1 in the input

In practice:

images_nchw = tf.placeholder(tf.float32, [None, 3, 200, 300])  # input batch
out = tf.transpose(images_nchw, [0, 2, 3, 1])
print(out.get_shape())  # the shape of out is [None, 200, 300, 3]

To convert 'NCHW' to 'NHWC'

from keras import backend
backend.set_image_data_format('channels_last') #channels_first for NCHW