How do I determine which app is trying to invoke Google Chrome?

For some reason, Google Chrome was randomly starting up on my system. I uninstalled it, and now I occasionally get the "Choose Application" dialog, which asks "Where is Google"

How can I determine which application on my machine is trying to invoke Google Chrome?

(Note that I have "Google Chrome Canary" installed, and it is set as my default web browser).

man iosnoop

man execsnoop

man opensnoop 

Also possible to get a hint of what's going on running

launchctl bslist -j

as root, which will show you launchd jobs, -j tells you which job started it,


launchctl bstree

Which shows the jobs running, and under which domain they are running under.

Two places come to mind immediately.

  1. Start up Safari and make sure Google Chrome isn't the default browser.
  2. Clean up your launch services database.

Since you have already done #1 - redoing it won't likely matter but your safari pref file storing this setting could be corrupt.

Item 2 needs more explanation - Use Finder to right click on a text or html file - if you still see Chrome in the Open With... dialog you might want to manually rebuild the launch services database.