How can I convert 24 hour time to 12 hour time?

I have the following 24-hour times:

{'Wed': '10:30 - 21:00', 'Sun': '10:30 - 21:00', 'Thu': '10:30 - 21:00', 
 'Mon': '10:30 - 21:00', 'Fri': '10:30 - 22:00', 'Tue': '10:30 - 21:00', 
 'Sat': '10:30 - 22:00'}

How can I convert this to 12-hour time?

{'Wed': '10:30 AM - 09:00 PM', 'Sun': '10:30 AM - 09:00 PM', 
 'Thu': '10:30 AM - 09:00 PM', 'Mon': '10:30 AM - 09:00 PM', 
 'Fri': '10:30 AM- 10:00 PM', 'Tue': '10:30 AM- 09:00 PM', 
 'Sat': '10:30 AM - 11:00 PM'}

I want to intelligently convert "10.30" to "10.30 AM" & "22:30" to "10:30 PM". I can do using my own logic but is there a way to do this intelligently without if... elif?

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> d = datetime.strptime("10:30", "%H:%M")
>>> d.strftime("%I:%M %p")
'10:30 AM'
>>> d = datetime.strptime("22:30", "%H:%M")
>>> d.strftime("%I:%M %p")
'10:30 PM'

The key to this code is to use the library function time.strptime() to parse the 24-hour string representations into a time.struct_time object, then use library function time.strftime() to format this struct_time into a string of your desired 12-hour format.

I'll assume you have no trouble writing a loop, to iterate through the values in the dict and to break the string into two substrings with one time value each.

For each substring, convert the time value with code like:

import time
t = time.strptime(timevalue_24hour, "%H:%M")
timevalue_12hour = time.strftime( "%I:%M %p", t )

The question, Converting string into datetime, also has helpful answers.

>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> s = datetime.strptime("13:30", "%H:%M")
>>> print(s.strftime("%r"))
01:30:00 PM

I know many people answer this in a similar way but the more easier way is

import time
t = time.strftime("%I:%M %p")

the %I gives the 12 hour clock hour and %M minute, %p returns the PM or AM value. In my case it returned

05:27 PM

Python's strftime use %I
