My speakers are stuck in the Volume Over-Amplification mode..!

**Two weeks ago, I have tried and activated the volume over-amplification mode, I did not like it, so I deactivated it, but the speakers are stuck in this mode, the sound is very bad and I can not hear anything from it...! anyone can help me, please ?? **

Pulseaudio runs your system sound settings. You can bypass Pulseaudio by using ALSA which works behind the scenes.

Install the alsa-utils package by running the following commands:

sudo apt update
sudo apt install alsa-utils

Then, run the following command:


enter image description here

First, use the arrow keys (left and right) to navigate to Auto Mute and use the up or down arrow key to disable Auto Mute.

Then, press F5.

Next, use the Master, Speaker, or PCM volume to change your volume. If I'm not mistaken, I believe you can use the Master volume to attenuate PulseAudio volume in the background. However, sometimes PCM serves this function.

Additionally, if you use a separate sound card or if you use an external device for volume, you can press F6 to select a different sound device.

Please let me know if there are any problems or if this doesn't work.