How to prevent MS Teams from adding itself to GNOME session startup programs? [duplicate]

When I boot up my Ubuntu 20.02 laptop, MT (Microsoft Teams) always starts. Since I would like to avoid this, I went to the default program "Startup Applications" and removed the tick for MT.

Though this works for two or three boots, afterwards, I am still stuck with the same problem. Interestingly, the tick for MT in Startup Applications is still there, even though I removed MT from the list.

Help would be appreciated!

Solution 1:

The only method I have found so far to solve the problem is configuring settings in Teams:

  • Right click the Teams icon on the system tray
  • open Settings
  • uncheck Auto-start Application

teams settings

Note: In some versions, you can right click the system tray icon and disable autostart right there.

The following methods do not work.

  1. If you disable Teams as a startup application, it will enable itself the next time you open Teams.
  2. If you restrict the write access to autostart folder only to superusers (so that Teams cannot add itself to startup applications), Teams will refuse to open and show errors.

Solution 2:

Another way is to achieve this is to add the following line into your ~/.profile file :

rm ~/.config/autostart/whatever_the_name_is.desktop

When you login , even before the DE starts the profile file gets executed and removes the .desktop file.So even if the Microsoft teams creates that file each time you open it , after logout and log-back there shouldn't be any problem.

Or even if that doesn't work(i.e the DE starts before the profile gets executed which I don't think to be the case),you can just kill the process via the killall command in ~/.profile.

Solution 3:

After opening teams, click on your profile picture on the top right corner and then settings. Under General uncheck "Auto-start application".

Open teams->click profile image->settings->uncheck Auto-start application