How do I handle windows that are too tall?

Sometimes, I open an application and it opens a window that is too tall for my display. It also doesn't let me resize the window to make it less tall, and it doesn't have a maximize button. In Ubuntu (GNOME Shell), I can drag and drop the title bar to move the window, but I can't move the window higher than the top edge of the screen, which would have been useful to see the lower part of the window.

How do I find a workaround for windows that are too tall to fit in the display? Is there a way to force resize the window? Is there a way to move the window higher than the top edge of the monitor?

(An example of this issue: in VirtualBox, click File -> Import Appliance... The resulting window is too tall on some screen resolutions.)

I am interested in answers in GNOME Shell, as well as other environments.

Solution 1:

In Lubuntu (LXQt):

In other desktop environments (than Gnome shell) for example LXQt of Lubuntu, you can press the left Alt key and use the left button of the mouse to drag the window.

Solution 2:

In Ubuntu (GNOME Shell):

There is another way to move windows in GNOME Shell. Drag and drop the window while holding down the super key (also known as the windows key). You can start the drag and drop operation from any part of the window, as long as the super key is held down. This will allow you to move the window, even past the top edge of the screen. Now you can see the bottom part of the window.