rsync exclude file what given from a find command

OS=lubuntu 20.04. I will upgrade to 22.04 (is not the question) I want to backup my $HOME, but there are some files that belongs not to my user

Is it possible to give rsync the output from find and let him exclude that?

My lack on english:

find $HOME -not -user $USER

Can I give it somehow in this form to rsync? Like from a file?

rsync someoption --exclude /path/to my exclude file

Not I know how to exclude files and folders but I'm a bit lazzy to change my backup-skript for that if it is not necessary.

You can do it in two steps, by redirecting the output of find to a file:

find $HOME -not -user $USER > myExcludeFiles

rsync someoption --exclude-from=myExcludeFiles

From man rsync:

--exclude-from=FILE     read exclude patterns from FILE

Use the full path name to myExcludeFiles when running from cron.