Calculating factorial of large numbers in C

No standard C data type will accurately handle numbers as large as 100!. Your only option if to use arbitrary precision integer arithmetic, either through a library or done by yourself.

If this is just some hobby project, I'd suggest trying it yourself. It's kind of a fun exercise. If this is work-related, use a pre-existing library.

The largest C data type you'll normally get is a 64-bit integer. 100! is in the order of 10157, which takes at least 525 bits to store accurately as an integer.

100 factorial is huge, to be precise it's 93326215443944152681699238856266700490715968264381621468592963895217 59999322991560894146397615651828625369792082722375825118521091686400 00000000000000000000.

Maybe you should use a bignum library like GMP. It's got nice docs, a pretty consistent interface, speed and if you're on Linux your distro probably has a package (I think mine installs it by default)

To approximately compute factorials of large numbers you can go this way:

n! =  n * (n-1)!
so log(n!) = log(n) + log(n-1!)

Now you can use dynamic programming to compute log(n!) and calculate
n! as (base)^(log-value)

If you don't want to use a bigint library, the best you can do with the stdlib is using long double and tgammal() from math.h:

long double fact(unsigned n)
    return tgammal(n + 1);

This'll get you 100! with a precision of 18 decimals on x86 (ie 80 bit long double).

An exact implementation isn't that complicated either:

#include <math.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>

void multd(char * s, size_t len, unsigned n)
    unsigned values[len];
    memset(values, 0, sizeof(unsigned) * len);
    for(size_t i = len; i--; )
        unsigned x = values[i] + (s[i] - '0') * n;
        s[i] = '0' + x % 10;
        if(i) values[i - 1] += x / 10;

void factd(char * s, size_t len, unsigned n)
    memset(s, '0', len - 1);
    s[len - 1] = '1';
    for(; n > 1; --n) multd(s, len, n);

int main(void)
    unsigned n = 100;
    size_t len = ceill(log10l(tgammal(n + 1)));
    char dstr[len + 1];
    dstr[len] = 0;
    factd(dstr, len, n);

Everyone is telling you the correct answer however a couple of further points.

  1. Your initial idea to use a double to get a wider range is not working because a double can not store this data precisely. It can do the calculations but with a lot of rounding. This is why bigint libraries exist.

  2. I know this is probably an example from a tutorial or examples site but doing unbounded recursion will bite you at some point. You have a recursive solution for what is essentially an iterative process. You will understand why this site is named as it is when you try running your program with larger values (Try 10000).

A simple iterative approach is as follows

  int answer, idx;

  for (answer = 1, idx = 1; idx <= no_of_inputs; idx++ ) {
    answer = answer * idx;
  printf("Factorial of %3d =  %d\n", no_of_inputs, answer);