Create local maven repository

I want to create local maven repository. I did the following steps:

  1. Installed maven plugin in eclipse
  2. Created one folder localrepository in apache server which is accessible using http://< my-domain>/localrepository
  3. In my project pom.xml I have provided


But it is not resolving the jars which are on http://< my-domain>/localMavenRepository

Is there any need to provide repository?

Solution 1:

Set up a simple repository using a web server with its default configuration. The key is the directory structure. The documentation does not mention it explicitly, but it is the same structure as a local repository.

To set up an internal repository just requires that you have a place to put it, and then start copying required artifacts there using the same layout as in a remote repository such as Source

Add a file to your repository like this:

mvn install:install-file \
  -Dfile=YOUR_JAR.jar -DgroupId=YOUR_GROUP_ID 
  -DartifactId=YOUR_ARTIFACT_ID -Dversion=YOUR_VERSION \
  -Dpackaging=jar \

If your domain is and the root directory of the web server is located at /var/www/html/, then maven can find "YOUR_JAR.jar" if configured with <url></url>.

Solution 2:

Yes you can! For a simple repository that only publish/retrieve artifacts, you can use nginx.

  1. Make sure nginx has http dav module enabled, it should, but nonetheless verify it.

  2. Configure nginx http dav module:

    In Windows: d:\servers\nginx\nginx.conf

    location / {
        # maven repository
        dav_methods  PUT DELETE MKCOL COPY MOVE;
        create_full_put_path  on;
        dav_access  user:rw group:rw all:r;

    In Linux (Ubuntu): /etc/nginx/sites-available/default

    location / {
            # First attempt to serve request as file, then
            # as directory, then fall back to displaying a 404.
            # try_files $uri $uri/ =404;  # IMPORTANT comment this
            dav_methods  PUT DELETE MKCOL COPY MOVE;
            create_full_put_path  on;
            dav_access  user:rw group:rw all:r;

    Don't forget to give permissions to the directory where the repo will be located:

    sudo chmod +777 /var/www/html/repository

  3. In your project's pom.xml add the respective configuration:

    Retrieve artifacts:


    Publish artifacts:

  4. To publish artifacts use mvn deploy. To retrieve artifacts, maven will do it automatically.

And there you have it a simple maven repo.