Is calling an extension method on a "null" reference (i.e. event with no subscribers) evil?

Solution 1:

Not evil. I wish events worked this way by default. Can someone explain why an event with no subscribers is null?

Solution 2:

You can always declare your events like this (not that i recommend it):

public event EventHandler<EventArgs> OnClicked = delegate { };

That way they have something assigned to them when you call them, so they don't throw a null pointer exception.

You can probably get rid of the delegate keyword in C# 3.0...

Solution 3:

Don't forget to use [MethodImpl(MethodImplOptions.NoInlining)], else its possible that it isn't thread safe.

(Read that somewhere long ago, remembered it, googled and found )

Solution 4:

Coming from a java background this has always seemed odd to me. I think that no one listening to an event is perfectly valid. Especially when listeners are added and removed dynamically.

To me this seems one of C#'s gottchas that causes bugs when people don't know / forget to check for null every time.

Hiding this implementation detail seems a good plan as it's not helping readability to check for nulls every single time. I'm sure the MSFTs will say there's a performance gain in not constucting the event if no one is listening, but imho it is vastly outweighed by the pointless null pointer exceptions / reduction in readability in most business code.

I'd also add these two methods to the class:

    public static void Raise(this EventHandler handler, object sender)
        Raise(handler, sender, EventArgs.Empty);

    public static void Raise<TA>(this EventHandler<TA> handler, object sender, TA args)
        where TA : EventArgs
        if (handler != null)
            handler(sender, args);