how does one bind mouse button 10 in DCONF when using wayland and xdotool does not work?

Solution 1:

EDIT #2. Solution #3

If Solutions #1,2 below don't work for you, because you have Wayland or else, you may try with Key Mapper GUI (ref, ref) (note this was one of the Related links I have previously posted at the bottom), or mouse-bind with evemu, or wayland-mouse-mapper (patch) also with evemu.

See summary here. I didn't have time to test it myself, but I have read many reports that it works, and again it is very simple.



EDIT #1. Solution #2

If Solution #1 below doesn't work for you, you may try with xautomation (ref, ref). I didn't have time to test it myself, but I have read many reports that it works, and it is as simple as xdotool.

Solution #1

I don't know why you want to force the mouse button binding via dconf. I don't even know if that is possible. The dconf menu you quote is for binding keys to actions, not mouse buttons to either keys or actions.

The "canonical" method for what you want to achieve (although not via dconf) is very simple, via xdotool.

  1. Install with

     $ sudo apt install xbindkeys x11-utils xdotool
  2. Create a basic .xbindkeysrc

     $ xbindkeys -d > ~/.xbindkeysrc
  3. Edit ~/.xbindkeysrc, appending

     "xdotool key 'Super'"
  4. Start with

     $ xbindkeys

I have just tested and it works. If you want to recover the behavior of button #10, use killall xbindkeys.


  3. How to bind mouse buttons to keys?