How can I tell the contents of a mystery gift?
League of Legends introduced Mystery Gifts this last patch. Where you receive a random skin for a champion you own.
I've given/received a couple of the gifts, and I wanted to know who gave me which skin and what I gave to others. Is there anyway to tell which friend sent me what skin? And is there a way to tell what I sent them?
I checked my purchases but I only noticed my recent skin purchases there.
Solution 1:
Ok, I figured out where to check. In the Purchases tab there is a Gifting History button.
For some reason it wasn't showing up earlier today, there were some store issues going on when I looked for it earlier:
There still seems to be some issues with the button, because when I visited my purchases tab later it was missing:
But once you click the button you get the following information:
Solution 2:
After they receive the gift. a prompt will pop up and say "Dude has received champion skin"
Solution 3:
From my experience when you send a gift you received message saying "Friend has reacived there neon stike vi".
When you receive one, it says what you where given in small grey letter on the frist line. Hard to see but it is there.