How do you disable su?

I'm confused about su a bit. I just want to prevent users from using su across the board. Authorized users will have sudo access so they can be root if desired. We just want to completely disable su in any case.

This source has you uncomment and replace auth required with auth required use_uid from /etc/pam.d/su but the page says

This will require a user to login as root at a terminal to be able to use a root prompt.

so I'm concerned it will prevent users from using sudo -s

Also, we don't want users to be able to escape to root and then su into each other's accounts. I see in /etc/pam.d/su

# This allows root to su without passwords (normal operation)
auth       sufficient

Is it safe for me to comment this line? Will that finish achieving my objective without locking us all out?

Solution 1:

In Ubuntu is used security model:

  1. You cannot login as root - account has a password blocked.
  2. Users can gain root permissions only via sudo. To do it they must be in sudo or admin group or direct in sudo config files.

So if you want that users can't use su, remove them from sudo and admin groups. If they can do some admin tasks, then better add them to the group myadmins and configure permissions of group myadmins in sudoers config file.