Using Office 2003 in Office 2010?

Here are some steps specific to Word 2003 and 2007. They may also work for 2010. Information is listed at:

Yes, you can transfer template to higher version of word, however this will transfer only auto text entries, and you have to export your macros separately.

To transfer auto text entries, follow the below steps:

  1. Copy the file to external drive (Floppy or Flash Drive).
  2. Paste the file into this directory:

    a. Start -> Run -> type %APPDATA% -> click ok.

    b. Click on Microsoft -> Document Building blocks -> 1033 and copy there.

To transfer the Macros follow the below steps:

  1. Open word 2003 ->Tools->Macros-> Visual Basic Editor-> Right Click on Macro-> Export.
  2. Open word 2007 -> Click on Developer tab-> Visual basic -> Right Click and import the Macros you had exported earlier from Word 2003.

To transfer auto text entries, follow these steps:

  1. Copy the file to an external drive (floppy or flash drive).
  2. Paste the file into this directory:

    • Start -> Run -> type %APPDATA% -> click OK.
  3. Click on Microsoft -> Word -> Startup and copy there

This works for me in Office 2010.