Folder Public is missing

Today, I turned on my computer (Kubuntu 21.04) and found out that the Public folder is missing. I checked the trash and nothing like this was there. When I turn on VS Code it tries to open the latest script which was in the subfolder of Public. It cannot open it but VS Code shows path:

this is what it shows

I tried to check history, but no significant changes were found there.

A friend of mine told me that the Public folder is visible for everyone connected to certain network (wifi)- i didn't know that. So my flatmates could possibly delete that, I cant believe it as both of them use Windows and I don't think the could see this folder, but I'm no expert

EDIT I tried to use testdisk software, however I find nothing that should be highlighted red, no trace of Public folder. testdisk output

The Public folder is not there because it was deleted somehow.

Recreate the "Public" folder, and then have it recognized as your XDG_PUBLICSHARE folder by editing the configuration file ~/.config/user-dirs.dirs. Make sure there is a line that reads: