Caps Lock delay

Solution 1:

You should learn to use Shift instead, which is the common way to enter a capital letter.

If you want to hit Caps Lock anyway to produce a capital letter, do note that there are reports that the delay is a known issue (Launchpad Bug #1376903). The Arch Linux wiki describes a method to remove this delay which seems to work.

For your convenience, this script performs the manual steps documented at that wiki page:

xkbcomp -xkb "$DISPLAY" - | sed 's#key <CAPS>.*#key <CAPS> {\
    symbols[group1]=[ Caps_Lock, Caps_Lock],\
    actions[group1]=[ LockMods(modifiers=Lock),\
#' | xkbcomp -w 0 - "$DISPLAY"

This needs to be started as part of your desktop session (do not use Upstart for example). See this post for a method. Do not forget to enable the execute bit of the script.

Solution 2:

This Github project fixes this issue, especially for Java on Ubuntu:

Check this out: