Review site specifically for Apple products?

Solution 1:

Do you mean reviews of Apple-produced (and only Apple-produced) hardware and software? Or reviews of software and accessories by anyone for Macs, iPods, iPhones, iPads, etc.?

If the latter, there's always Macworld's review section.

If the former, you could combine the RSS feeds for Macworld's Mac reviews + iPod review + iPhone reviews + iPad reviews, I guess.

Solution 2:

For Apple's mobile products, is quite good.

Solution 3:

As far as software goes, MacUpdate is pretty good. They have lots of user reviews, and the ability for users to suggest similar software is awesome. I've found many a free alternative to a poorly reviewed commercial app that way.

As a side note, alternativeTo is another great way to find alternates.

Solution 4:

There's always ArsTechnica. Yes, they do review other stuff besides just Apple stuff, but I fail to see how that should disqualify them, especially given the quality and depth of the reviews. And with a couple of clicks, you can specify Apple reviews: