Rename some files to their own name + something else

I have a directory like Photo

Directory Picture!

and I want to change the names of the directories inside it -> to what they are, but without it [www.faraDa...] like the first one that I change by mv command. but I dont know how remove [www.faraD...] automatically ? can do this by find ... -exec or mv in linux command or I need programing like python? to do it.

Update : in ubuntu 20.04 LTS

names are : FVLNX9510 Atoz [www.FaraD...‍‍ They have a difference in the middle part of their name A,B,C,D,....

Thank you all !

If the string to change is always the same in all files you could use this command:

rename \[\]  '' *

This command works on Fedora 33 actually (I thought it was the same on Ubuntu), however this answer provides an extensive description on how to use rename on Ubuntu. I think that the command I wrote above should change in something like:

rename 's/\[www\.website\]//' *

Here you can find a description of different rename packages.