Shutter capture functions are greyed after 21.10 upgrade

Solution 1:

Something has perhaps happened during the upgrade process.

I have managed to install Shutter on a live USB version of 21.10 by taking the following steps. There is no reason to believe that this will not also work on a complete installation of version 21.10 and you may need to purge your current installation of Shutter first to accommodate the fresh installation as follows:

sudo apt-get remove shutter

Following your PPA Shutter Team link I installed the PPA

sudo add-apt-repository ppa:shutter/ppa

I then installed Synaptic Package Manager

sudo add-apt-repository universe

sudo apt update


sudo apt install synaptic

I searched for and ran Synaptic Package Manager after which in Synaptic I searched for shutter having found it I then marked it for upgrade after which selected Apply.

This then installed Shutter without further problem and I was able to run it. It also placed the icon in the System Tray as expected with the drop down menu.

This at least confirms that Shutter is capable of running on version 21.10