How can I fetch lyrics for all my music and store them within the files?
This is a semi answer as I don't know your environment and the code I provide is intended to serve as an example only - running it as is shouldn't do any harm but I can't give any guarantee.
Tasks like this can be dealt with using simple bash scripts, e.g. in the following example I use eyeD3 to extract artist and title, then any WikiLirics-like web service to fetch lyrics and then eyeD3 again to add them as a tag. I encourage everyone who will use this code to look up their own lyrics website as exploiting the same service over and over can be considered malicious.
[edit] Someone have actually provided a lyrics API under the URL from this script and it works! 😆
failure_message="Sorry, We don't have lyrics for this song yet."
[ "$1" ] && cd "$1" # if argument provided, use it as working directory
for file in {*.mp3,*.m4a}; do
if [[ ! -r "$file" ]]; then # if file isn't readable
continue # skip to the next one
fi # but if it is readable...
# get artist&title line from `eyeD3`
song=$(eyeD3 --no-color "$file" | grep title)
# e.g. `title: Alive artist: Bon Jovi`
artist="${song#*"artist: "}" # use everything after `artist: ` as artist
title="${song%"artist: "*}" # use everything before `artist: ` as title
title="${title#"title: "}" # but cut the `title: ` keyword out
echo -n "$artist - $title" # $title has extra space at the end but YOLO
artist="${artist// /+}" # replace spaces in $artist and $title with
title="${title// /+}" # `+` characters for use in $url_template
url="${url_template//"<artist>"/$artist}" # replace `<artist>` with $artist
url="${url//"<title>"/$title}" # replace `<title>` with $title
lyrics=$(wget -qO- $url) # make `wget` read the response from $url
# which is lyrics or $failure_message
if [ "$lyrics" == "$failure_message" ]; then # if it is $failure_message
echo "No lyrics found... skipping!" # then lyrics aren't available
else # else save $lyrics in $file
eyeD3 --lyrics=eng:Lyrics:"$lyrics" "$file" 1>/dev/null
Instructions (run commands in terminal):
- install
with commandsudo apt install wget eyed3
- save above code to a file, e.g.
- add permission to run the file:
chmod u+x ~/bin/
- run the file (mind the quotes):
~/bin/ "path/to/my album"
- you can stop script execution at any time by pressing ctrl+c
I checked this code with "AM" album by Arctic Monkeys and it did sweetly.
If you really want to fetch lyrics for all of your albums at once you can run the script in a loop for each directory:
cd path/to/my_music_directory
for album in */; do ~/bin/ "$album"; done
Still, I wouldn't use it as a final solution - wikilyrics and everyone who supports it by mirroring are good guys and this answer is here to promote thinking, not abuse.
I recently wrote a python script for Automatically fetching and tagging lyrics to your music. Check it out here. This will download the lyrics as txt file and embed it in your .mp3 file
Youtube Demo. is a pearl script using David Precious' Lyrics::Fetcher package, for batch downloading of lyrics for MP3.
Also try the Amarok plug-in Ultimate Lyrics. Ultimate Lyrics is a configurable script that fetches lyrics from many sites.
Another option: Lyrics extension for banshee
as music fan I can recommend you Guayadeque player, fast and light and full featured player and if I'm not mistaken it's got lyrics extensions by default and there's ability to choose more and which, I'm listening through songs right now and it shows lyrics to every song even band bio. There's posibillity to store lyrics to a song manually too, but it's better to sync with internet of course, anyways it's your choice.
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:anonbeat/guayadeque
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install guayadeque-svn
beets is a command line tool for organising your music library that can fetch lyrics automatically, as well as lots of other things. From the website:
The purpose of beets is to get your music collection right once and for all. It catalogs your collection, automatically improving its metadata as it goes using the MusicBrainz database. Then it provides a bouquet of tools for manipulating and accessing your music.
Specifically, it has a lyrics plugin that fetches lyrics from Lyric Wiki,, Musixmatch,, or a Google custom search API.
The community around it is very active. Check it out!