How to copy file from smb server

Solution 1:

  • ssh (secure shell) is not smb (Samba)
  • you list 2 different IPs for smd and ssh. 1 will be wrong.

You can mount samba with cifs-utils so if not installed install it with ...

sudo apt install cifs-utils

Create a permanent mount point and mount the share:

sudo mkdir /mnt/air_quality_monitor
sudo mount -t cifs -o "domain=DOMAIN,username=USER,password=PASSWORD,sec=ntlm,vers=1.0" //IP /mnt/air_quality_monitor
  • All the words in capitals need to be changed to what you need.
  • sec is the security mode and determines how passwords are encrypted between server and client ( even if you don't require passwords ). ntlm used to be the default so that might work. If not omit it or check man mount.cifs for other supported models.
  • vers=1.0 might need to be changed to a supported version. You can also try it without this option.
  • domainmight not be needed too; if you do not have one remove domain=DOMAIN, from the options.