I need help with my pump stack

Solution 1:

The thing about screwpumps in Dwarf Fortress, is that they can either be automatic (receiving power from a wind/watermill) or dwarf powered. Of these, only the former transfers power, as a dwarf manning a screwpump does not provide power, but rather sidesteps the power requirement entirely.

If however, you were to hook any pump in your pumpstack up to a power source with enough power for the entire stack (100 power in your case), assuming you built the pumpstack correctly, the power in the hooked-up screw pump will transfer to the adjacent screwpumps (and so forth).

Because of this behavior (it's the basis for the Dwarven Water Reactor), any pump with manual power will eject its operator if it gets enough power to operate automatically instead.

Have you seen this .GIF? It shows how to ensure the power transfers properly between levels. alt text

Here's what you have:

alt text

If you channel that space and then rebuild the screwpump, power will flow between the connected machines and the screwpump below will no longer need to be manned (dwarfed?)

All screw pumps have two tiles -- one which the dwarves stand on to operate, and one which acts as a wall. This latter part needs to be constructed hanging over an open space to facilitate the transfer of power (as the former part must be constructed on solid ground).