rename upper lower case filenames no more possible [closed]

After today's major upgrade of Xubuntu, it have been downgraded to Windows, and will NOT distinguish between upper and lower case letters!! On a laptop that haven't been upgraded it still works fine, and sees 'Name' and 'name' as 2 distinct filenames. Why have it been Windowsified?

I shut down my labtop last night and have just rebooted - and Horray it works again Unix style, like we love and expect! Yesterday a reboot did not fix that aberant behaviour!

Sorry for my panic attack, I was sorting my photos from both my phone and my camera. I was using Thunars beloved bulk rename feature like I always do and getting a lot of rename failed name allready exist when trying to change certain letters to uppercase - like I would get from my girls Windows machine if I tried to do as I am used to on Nix systems.

What triggered that behaviour I do not know!

In unix, filename case sensitivity is largely a feature of the underlying filesystem. If you have multiple mounted filesystems, it is possible that some are case sensitive and some are not.

For example, the vfat filesystem is not case sensitive.

To check what filesystem the current directory is using, run the command df -hT . (note trailing dot)

With your added information in the question, my guess is that you accidentally tried to run the rename script not on the unix filesystem, but on the camera's disk (sd card?) which is very extremely likely to be in vfat format, which does not recognize case to distinguish names.