"bash: cd: /home/marcoluis/.local/bin: Not a directory"

While trying to install ade(Awesome Development Environment) through Ubuntu Terminal, for a Autoware.Auto Course , I've ran into a problem while moving the ade executable from "adehome" file to path "~/.local/bin". After the following commands:

~/adehome$ mv ade ~/.local/bin
~/adehome$ which ade

No directory appears, and by trying to enter such directory, appears the following message:

bash: cd: /home/marcoluis/.local/bin: Not a directory

How can I retrieve the filepath in order to continue? Or should I just try again the steps given?

Edit: After checking ~/.local filepath list, the following output path is given:

$ ls -la ~/.local
total 7828
drwx------  3 marcoluis marcoluis    4096 out 15 14:25 .
drwxr-xr-x 18 marcoluis marcoluis    4096 out 15 14:22 ..
-rwxrwxr-x  1 marcoluis marcoluis 7999712 jan 26  2020 bin
drwx------ 14 marcoluis marcoluis    4096 out 15 14:49 share

Your ~/.local/bin is not a directory, but a large file. The directory likely did not yet exist when you executed the command. In that case, move interprets /bin as the target filename and thus renames the file ade to a file named bin under ~/.local.

It will interpret /bin as a directory only if that directory exists. Thus, rename that bin file back to ade, and create the bin directory:

mkdir -p ~/.local/bin

Then you can move the file to the desired directory:

mv ~/.local/ade ~/.local/bin

On Ubuntu, the ~/.local/bin directory will automatically be included in your search PATH if you log out then back in.