Display scaling option gone after 18.04 update

I am running Ubuntu 18.04.2 under VMWare Fusion on a macbook pro.

It just downloaded an update, and, after it rebooted, the display was no longer scaling and the scaling option had disappeared from the display settings.

I was able to set the scaling again using xrandr, but I have to set it every time after a restart...

I tried following the directions here, but it is not working:

Does anyone know what happened to the scaling option in the GUI and how I can get it back?

Here's a screenshot of what I am now seeing Here's a screenshot of what I am now seeing

You can try this command

gsettings set org.gnome.desktop.interface scaling-factor 2

Then restart your system.

I am also on mac but I am using Parallel Desktop. There is a scaling and more space option available in parallels graphics settings. After this command whenever I change to scale and then back to more space, I get 200% scaled desktop.

Although also in this you will have to do it every time you open ubuntu but no restarting is required.

You can also try this in VMWare Fusion