Is there a way to convert .xif files (created with Xerox Pagis app on old win 32 OS) to pdf?

I need to convert some 100 .xif files to pdf. As far as I know the only way is to find a 32bit PC with NT or Win2000 and install the Pagis (scanner app of Xerox).xif. Is there a better way using a linux app? Is there a linux app that can open .xif files?

convert (from ImageMagick)

sudo apt-add-repository universe
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt install imagemagick

for i in *.xif ; do convert "$i" "${i%.*}.pdf" ; done

If you have an error with convert (I had one with Ubuntu 21.04), you can check the following page : ImageMagick security policy 'PDF' blocking conversion


  • Print to file. Export quality is good. I have the impression you lose resolution.


  • You can try GIMP Batch Mode for multiple files. Not sure you will save time.


  • Great for viewing. Export quality is bad when printing to file (PDF)


  • Great for viewing. Export quality is bad when printing to file (PDF)

Some other viewers only show the first page.

Sources :

  • A two pages .xif for tests.
  • Batch converting PNG to JPG in linux