Ubuntu 19.04 not booting [duplicate]

Solution 1:

Hold shift while booting up if grub menu doesn't appear automatically, once you're in the grub menu, press E while you are selecting Ubuntu. Add nomodeset after quiet splash in the line which starts with linux. This will disable the graphic drivers which I believe is the problem here. Once you boot up, in order to permanently change your grub options, open a terminal and write:

sudo leafpad /etc/default/grub

Change leafpad for whatever text editor you use, might be gedit!

Search for the line: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash"

Change it to: GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT="quiet splash nomodeset"

Head to a terminal and type sudo update-grub

As your question is not a 100% clear and I don't know if you have a dedicated GPU, I believe this is a graphic driver error, so my solution relies on disabling them. However you could just enter Ubuntu using the solution given, then instead of editing grub, simply install your proprietary drivers.