Converts scss to css [closed]

Does anyone know how can I convert this code to standard css? It's not working in their editor.

If you click on the title CSS (SCSS) in CodePen (don't change the pre-processor with the gear) it will switch to the compiled CSS view.

Codepen Screenshot of Compiled Preview

In terminal run this command in the folder where the systlesheets are:

sass --watch style.scss:style.css 


When ever it notices a change in the .scss file it will update your .css

This only works when your .scss is on your local machine. Try copying the code to a file and running it locally.

This is an online/offline solution and very easy to convert. SCSS to CSS converter

enter image description here

First of all, you have to install Ruby if it is not on your machine.

1.Open a terminal window. 2.Run the command which ruby.

If you see a path such as /usr/bin/ruby, Ruby is installed. If you don't see any response or get an error message, Ruby is not installed. To verify that you have a current version of Ruby, run the command ruby -v.

If ruby is not installed on your machine then

sudo apt-get install ruby2.0
sudo apt-get install ruby2.0-dev
sudo update-alternatives --install /usr/bin/gem gem /usr/bin/gem2.0 1 

After then install Sass gem by running this command

sudo gem install sass --no-user-install

Then copy or add any .sass file and go to that file path and then

sass --watch style.scss:style.css 

When ever it notices a change in the .scss file it will update your .css

This only works when your .scss is on your local machine. Try copying the code to a file and running it locally.