Windows 10: How to split the screen in two?

Solution 1:

Natively, it seems, you can't.

You can work around this using the left/right/up/down snapping capabilities plus a final use of your mouse.

  1. Open your two windows
  2. Bring focus to one of your windows
  3. Press Win + Up Arrow to maximize the window
  4. Press Win + Right Arrow to snap the window to the right half of the screen
  5. Press Win + Down Arrow to snap the window to the bottom right quarter of the screen
  6. Repeat 1 - 5 with your second window. Note: on step 5 press Win + Up Key to position the window to the top right quarter of the screen
  7. Use your mouse to extend both windows so that they extend the width of your screen. Note: I have noticed that, even with multiple screens, Windows 10, whilst extending a window horizontally, will snap the window to the full width of the screen. If you need to extend past the screen (with multipe monitors, for example) then you can continue moving your mouse and it will un-snap and continue extending.

Solution 2:

Windows has never had this function, for some unknown reason. Snap to right, left, or quadrant exists, but the logical hotkey for snap-to-top does rather maximize the window.

So you need a third-party tool for it, and here is a little list :

  • DisplayFusion
  • AquaSnap
  • WindowGrid

For some of them you may need to specify the hotkey you would like to use, but don't overstep on the ones used by Windows.

There are also various AutoHotKey scripts running around for this purposes, which you may search for if none of the above is satisfactory.