gpg remove passphrase

Solution 1:

Here is a more complete answer based on Justin's:

(Using gpg 1.4.16 on Ubuntu 14)

  • Get the ID of your key like this:
gpg --list-secret-keys

This will output a few lines similar to below. The key ID is the value XXXX

sec   4096R/XXXX <creation date>
uid                  name <email.address>
ssb   4096R/YYYY <creation date>
  • Open the gpg key edit submenu like this:

    gpg --edit-key XXXX

    You will see information about the key.

  • Type passwd at the prompt to change the password:

    gpg> passwd

  • Enter your existing passphrase.

  • Enter the new passphrase for this secret key. (Leave this blank and press Enter)

  • Press Enter twice and consider the warnings from the tool and its implications before proceeding.

    You don't want a passphrase - this is probably a *bad* idea!

    Do you really want to do this? (y/N) y

Solution 2:

Let me share what I found. I thought I might share in case there is another lost soul In the bash shell,

gpg2 --batch --gen-key <<EOF
Name-Real: My super name
Name-Email: [email protected]

The key can now be exported

gpg2 --export-secret-key fingerprinthere > private-key.key
gpg2 --export fingerprintshuld_be_put_here > public-key.key

Solution 3:

It's simple. Just run:

gpg --edit-key <yourkeyhere>

When GnuPG prompts for the new passphrase, just leave it blank and hit enter.
