Qnap Qsync: how to start the app at boot?

I have an Ubuntu 20.04 and I have recently installed an app (via the Ubuntu Software Installer) for my NAS called "Qsync" by QNAP, which is working fine.

The issue is that I have to start it manually each time the computer boots.

I have tried to add the app to the startup apps using the Startup Application Preferences but when I click on ADD I am asked to insert a command the call the application, and because I am not a Linux savvy i had to stop there.

I was curious if sombody could help me figure out how to find this command


Open a terminal by pressing Ctrl+Alt+T and type:

which qsync

It will output the full path for qsync. Try the whole thing in the Starup App.

If that does not work, Go to /usr/share/applications in Files (AKA Nautilus) and search for qsync or QNAP until you find a file that begins with one of those terms and ends with .desktop.

Open the file in the Text Editor (AKA Gedit) (it will open in "Read Only" mode, that's fine for us) and look for the line starting with "Exec=..." Use whatever is the "..." after the "Exec=". You may need to add the full path to the executable using the trick of the which command.

Hope this helps