No desktop icons in kali linux, but files can be seen on file explorer

In addition to that, I cant move a file or folder onto the desktop. It just does an animation that brings it back to the file explorer.

Also I have lost some options when right clicking on the desktop. There's supposed to be an Open in terminal option but the only thing I get is this

The options I get when right clicking on the desktop

This issue occurred when I did apt-get dist-upgrade and some other apt-get commands. My GNOME version is 33.0 if that is necessary.

Solution 1:

Gnome 3.28 removes the option to display desktop icons You have GNOME version 3.30 and it's weird that you still have problem.

Try this extension:

or this:

Solution 2:

This issue is fixed in 3.30.1

I just updated mine and they came back

apt-get dist-upgrade
apt-get update
apt-get upgrade
then apt autoremove if you want to clean
Rebooted and icons were back