Change the date time format in Skype chat

Where do I change the setting in Skype on Windows 7 for how time is formatted?

While the time is shown as 11:14 PM on Skype I would rather it display as 23:14.

Solution 1:

Had the same problem. Everything in Windows 7 was displaying time in 24 hour format—except Skype.

I changed "Long time" from HH:mm:ss to H:mm:ss (note capital H's), which fixed the problem. Then I changed it back to HH:mm:ss and it still displays time correct.

Skype is not as clever as it would like to be. :)

Solution 2:

The timestamps shown next to IM messages in Skype are formatted according to the long time format you have defined in Windows' regional settings (assuming you are on Windows, you didn't specify).

In order to change them, press the start button and type "change time" which should take you to the Region and Language settings dialog. Click on Advanced settings... and on the Time tab change the Long time to something like HH:mm:ss (see screenshot below).

Note that this is a system-wide setting that will also impact other applications, for instance the way Windows displays the Last modified date of a file in Explorer.

Region and Language