Power outages with excess power supply?

The way that Simcity simulates power distribution is by creating agents (the little yellow dots) that travel along the power grid. These agents follow a random path under your roads and power each building along the way.

If you have a complicated road network and the unpowered buildings are at the ends of roads (so that there is only one way to reach them) then the agents' random paths are unlikely to pass by those buildings and the buildings will show as unpowered. To fix this, try building more road routes to the affected structures.

It can take a while for buildings to receive power. This is especially true if you have a large city that has had a power deficit.

I suggest that you look at the power layer (lightning bolt icon) to see what is going on.

You should see the yellow dots (power agents) moving out from your power plant along your road network.

Buildings that need power are shown as circles. They can be

  1. Yellow circle. Building is fully powered.
  2. Small yellow circle surrounded by orange ring. Building is partially powered.
  3. Red circle. Building has no power

The yellow dots provide power to the first building they encounter that is not fully powered. A single yellow dot may be able to provide power to multiple small buildings.

Buildings gradually lose power and need to have their power replenished (by the yellow dots).