PWA .desktop file opening new browser window instead of the app

Simple solution If you want to keep the snap version.

I had found it that downloading via apt will fix the issue but then I found that brave is banned in my country (maybe because it comes with Tor), Which made it impossible to access braves website/repo without a vpn, but it meant that I will need to keep checking for updates manually and turn on and off my vpn if there is any update available, So I had to stick with the snap version.

But then I figured out a workaround.


  • In the .desktop file that brave created change the /snap/brave/132/opt/ to brave's default executable (snap/bin/brave in my case) part from the Exec's value.
  • (Optional) Set the Icon's value of your choice (provide Icon's path), default's to Brave's Icon.
  • Move the .desktop file to /home/username/.local/share/applications.

Done! The PWA will appear as an App in the menu.