Administer android phone from my ubuntu desktop?

Solution 1:

There is not much you can do with an (unrooted) android from the outside, except moving/cleaning files. This could be done with your "Files" filemanger (former Nautilus) by opening it and selecting the device on left hand side. If you want go go into more details, you have to install "adb", a command line tool, that will you offer some adminstrative scripts.

See more infos on how to setup and work with adb

Samsung proclaims:

USB Drivers may not seems like a big deal, in the beginning, if you connecting your Galaxy J2 Core with your computer. If you are using a Mac-based computer or a computer running Linux, then you may not face as many problems when you are connecting your Galaxy J2 Core.

If the device is still not recognized, you'll have to extend your udev-rules. Find out the "vendor id" and create the follwing entry in



SUBSYSTEM=="usb",ATTR{idVendor}=="????",MODE="0660",OWNER="your user name"

where ???? should be shown in dmesgwhen plugged in and ,of course, your username...