No sound (After I removed Pulseaudio)

  1. When I open a video file it says "Audio output failed: The audio device "default" could not be used: No such file or directory."

  2. When Im trying to record sound in Audacity it says "Error opening recording device. Error code 0 success.

How it started:

I tried to tune my mic, heard that "pulseaudio" can be used for it. I Installed pulseaudio and it flooded my applications menu with 121 (yes I actually counted them) garbage spam programs with "LSP" on their icons. Also pulseaudio messed up my mic so from now on I had tiny skips all over my recordings (as a bonus, keep the change sir)

Its been a long HELL to find out how to remove it and I wasted like a half of my work day, but I finally removed pulseaudio and its 121 applications. This helped:

sudo apt remove lsp-plugins ; sudo apt autoremove

However, after restarting, I see that I have no sound at all, its almost like if pulseaudio said: "you want to remove me? ok you can go to hell, no sound for you".

I know I did something wrong, and maybe some audio-card files were removed too? please help.

Ubuntu version: 21.04

Motherboard: ASRock A320M-HDV R4.0 Socket AM4

The following answer was posted by the question's author as an edit to the question:

sudo apt-get install --reinstall alsa-base pulseaudio

sudo alsa force-reload