Stop PDFs Web links from displaying inside Microsoft Edge

Solution 1:

I cannot believe your question has no upvotes and more people haven't asked this question. As you discovered, there are plenty of examples of people running into this issue, but they are always met with this same "Default Apps" non-answer.

So finally, here is the bug report and official response on this from Microsoft:


I checked the design and determined that PDF web links will always open in the browser regardless of the default app association. The default association only works for local files.

Best Wishes, The MS Edge Team

Harry is right that there is no solution other than to move to another browser, since the complaint part has already been tried without any results. That is only wise, considering that Edge itself has decided to move to another browser.

Solution 2:

Find it, & solved.

go on Setting/Parameter menu. Then Web Site Autorisation Then go to PDF entry Choose Always open external solution for PDF.