How to install java jdk 7 on Snow Leopard
Use Pacifist from to open and install the 'JDK 7 Update X.pkg' in the 'jdk7-7uX-macosx-x64.dmg' file you download from
From what I have read JDK 7 does not require 10.7+ so I simply opened the shipped .pkg
installer file with PackageMaker (an Xcode tool) and removed the OS version requirement and re-built it.
You will need to copy the installer out of the .dmg file since you have to save changes.
Edit: You will need to Build to another directory as the mounted .dmg is read-only.
So far in my using this I haven't experienced any issues, even the Java preference pane is working properly.
One thing to note, you will have to reorder JDKs in Java
to get programs to use the new JDK instead of Java 6.
I've even gone as far as to copy the Java 7 .jdk
bundle into /System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/
, and it seems to be function normally.
Just don't move/rename the JDK bundles while Java applications are running; not that I've done that by accident or anything...