Is ngrok safe to use or can it be compromised?

Is ngrok a safe tool to use? I was reading a tutorial which recommended to use ngrok test API responses that I make to outside services that need to connect to my endpoints also.

Solution 1:

There is no source code available for Version 2.0, considering it started as an open source project in 2014. I am suspect of any code that opens a tunnel to my localhost from the cloud. Pretty scary stuff especially without source code!

Solution 2:

I found good rating, but vacuous information here:

The kicker for me is

where the Atlassian folks recommend it highly.

I think I am going to use it.

Solution 3:

It opens up a tunnel to your dev machine, which is partially secured by obscurity (a hard to guess subdomain), and can be further secured by requiring a password. But you're still opening yourself up to ngrok itself, and the company is completely opaque (no address, no employees, no business name, no LinkedIn presence; all I can find is that it has 1-10 employees and is private; not even sure what country its based in). On top of that the code is not open-sourced. No reason to think they're not legit, but not a lot of information available to build trust.

You may be able to use ngrok and other local tunnel services with more security by encrypting the traffic. See for more information.