Question marks instead of libre office icons

Hi with the update of libre office to the current version if I open Base and Impress they appear on the launcer of question marks as icons. Can I fix this bug?

enter image description here

I can reproduce the question mark for Select a template window. It is shown on my fresh 18.04 LTS VM with Unity using default icon theme and fully installed LibreOffice from PPA by sudo apt-get install libreoffice. Moreover on MATE Select a template window is shown on Window List applet as non-LibreOffice icon too.

Unity MATE
Unity MATE

Using older LibreOffice 6.0.7 from official Ubuntu repositories solves this issue, but older LO is less functional and old.

So I think that it is not a bug of Unity or MATE.
Really LO 7.1 uses wrong icon for the Template wizards.
I have reported it to launchpad as bug 1936966, you can subscribe to it.