How to install Cangjie (Traditional Chinese) input for Ubuntu Mate 16.04 PowerPc

I found ibus-cangjie 2.4-1. Then I installed with:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install ibus-cangjie

And now it is working perfectly.

Install "Chinese (traditional)" using Language Support. That will install some language support, including a couple of additional packages related to fcitx input methods. With those installed it should work.


I've now tried this myself on Ubuntu 16.04 (i386), and it proved to not be sufficient. The package fcitx-table-cangjie is installed as part of the language support for "Chinese (traditional)", but after a relogin no Cangjie item showed up in Text Entry.

Then I installed fcitx-table-cangjie3 manually, and at next login Cangjie3 was selectable. I could successfully generate Chinese characters using Cangjie3.

One important note: The "Keyboard input method system" in Language Support must be fcitx.