Using If else in SQL Select statement

I have a select statement which will return 2 columns.

ID | IDParent

Then in my program I have to test if IDParent is < 1 then use ID ELSE use IDParent

Is there a way to use an If Else like condition in SQL to return only single value?

you can use CASE

SELECT   ...,
         CASE WHEN IDParent < 1 THEN ID ELSE IDPArent END AS ColumnName,
FROM     tableName

Here, using CASE Statement and find result:

select (case when condition1 then result1
             when condition2 then result2
             else result3
             end) as columnname from tablenmae:

For example:

select (CASE WHEN IDParent< 1 then ID 
             else IDParent END) as columnname
from tablenmae

            THEN ID 
            ELSE IDParent 
       END AS colname 
FROM yourtable

The query will be like follows

SELECT (CASE WHEN tuLieuSo is null or tuLieuSo=''
            THEN 'Chưa có đĩa' 
            ELSE 'Có đĩa' End) AS tuLieuSo,moTa
FROM [gPlan_datav3_SQHKTHN].[dbo].[gPlan_HoSo]