How can I tell what date Ubuntu was installed?
Solution 1:
You can check the installer logs and dates at:
A quick way to find the date through the command line would be by running:
ls -lt /var/log/installer
That lists in reverse chronological order so the oldest file is at the bottom of the list.
Solution 2:
If you use ext2/ext3/ext4 and formatted the disk when you installed you can do this nifty trick.
sudo dumpe2fs /dev/sda1 | grep 'Filesystem created:'
You might have to change the /dev/sda1
to reflect your setup.
Relaying on the date of files, even the "creation time" (mtime) can give errors since upgrading packages might have replaced the file and made a new "creation time".
Similar tools and info might be available on other file systems as well, but I don't know of them.