I have 4 drives in my laptop 2 ssd and 2 nvme. For some reason I'm getting "ghost" drives showing up in my system and it's throwing everything off. Here's what my /mnt/ looks like:

ls /mnt/
'Linux SanDisk St'  'Linux Storage'   Pictures   Storage

Pictures and 'Linux Storage' are labels for the same drive that was formatted already twice. I renamed it to 'Linux SanDisk St' as Ext4 file system. This is where it gets confusing for me. Why are the old labels still showing up in my system? Also my other drive labeled Storage is an NTFS file system that doesn't allow me to write any data, but I have w/r permissions.

ls -al /mnt/
total 24
drwxr-xr-x  6 user user 4096 Jul 14 03:29  .
drwxr-xr-x 20 root root 4096 Jun  2 11:24  ..
drwx------  3 user user 4096 Jul 13 14:43 'Linux SanDisk St'
drwxr-xr-x  2 root root 4096 Jun  3 19:42 'Linux Storage'
drwxr-xr-x  2 user user 4096 Jun  2 11:35  Pictures
drwxrwxrwx  1 root root 4096 Jul  3 21:46  Storage

Would appreciate any help with this. I'm not sure how to fix it, thank you.

This is what Storage looks like in Disks.

enter image description here

Folders not Labels

The ls command shows the names of directories (also called folders) and files. Partitions are mounted at mountpoints which are empty folders. It looks like you have changed the mountpoints a few times using the disks app.

By doing this you have created a number of sub-directories inside the directory /mnt. When no partitions are mounted to these sub-directories, they should be empty. If you don't intend to use them, you can just delete these directories. For example, open a terminal using the Ctrl+Alt+T and enter:

sudo rmdir /mnt/Pictures

This will remove the empty sub-directory Pictures.

NTFS Read Only

Windows 10 does not fully shutdown the system by default. It uses "Fast Startup" which is another name for hibernate. This puts a "dirty" flag in the NTFS partitions and Ubuntu opens them in the "read only" mode for safety of the partition.

See Unable to mount Windows (NTFS) filesystem due to hibernation for more.

To stop this you will need to disable Fast Startup. The answers in the above link explains how to do this. Here is another page on how to do this.

Hope this helps