Should it be "concerned person" or "person concerned"?

An office colleague wrote the following in an email:

Kindly log a ticket for the same and assign it to the concerned team.

I wrote back the following:

I believe it should be
"Kindly log a ticket for the same and assign it to the team concerned."

Which one is correct, and why?

Solution 1:

The team concerned is short for something like the team that is concerned with it. While the concerned team is also valid in that context, on its own I'd be more likely understand it as referring to a team of people that are feeling worried. So you're both correct, but I'd say your phrasing is generally preferable.

Solution 2:

Kindly log a ticket for the same and assign it to the concerned team.

The sentence could be understood as referring to the worried (or troubled, or anxious) team. As concerned team is preceded by assign it to, most of the people would understand what you exactly meant.

Kindly log a ticket for the same and assign it to the team concerned.

This sentence would be understood as if it was referring to "the team concerned in [handling such tickets]".

This is similar to the phrase "the organs concerned in digestion and in blood-making", where the part after concerned is explicit. In both the phrases, be concerned in means "have a specific connection with or responsibility for".