Create desktop launcher

On Ubuntu 20.04.2 LTS I'm trying to create a desktop icon for some applications. I tried to follow this tutorial How to create desktop shortcut launcher on Ubuntu 20.04 Focal Fossa Linux . The first approach (using nautilus) does not fit for me, as I some of those applications are not there (for example Pycharm) and some other are created by me. So I tried the second approach, and I created a ~/Desktop/PyCharm.desktop file like this one:

#!/usr/bin/env xdg-open
[Desktop Entry]

but when I right click on the file, I don't have the option Allow launching. If I check the properties, I have all the permissions and the Allow execution checkbox is checked.
What am I missing?

Solution 1:

Just found the mistake...the file is correct (the .sh is needed, as it is what I want to launch). The error is that I should have written Exec=/home/deffo/Programs/pycharm-community-2021.1.3/bin/ (also the Icon path is wrong of course). Now I am able to launch it